
Many articles with linked fulltexts are available on research gate: Link to research gate

Journal articles

Pfaff, Raphael: Braking distance prediction for vehicle consist in low-speed on-sight operation: a Monte Carlo approach. Rail. Eng. Science, 2023

Pfaff, Raphael, Manfred Enning und Stefan Sutter: A risk-based approach to automatic brake tests for rail freight service. Springer Nature Applied Sciences 4:115, 2022

Münchow, Sam, Lisa Menkel, Raphael Pfaff und Rene Fratscher: SAMIRA - die smarte Rückfahrkamera für Rangierabteilungen. Deine Bahn, 11:28 – 32, 2021

Pfaff, Raphael: Die automatische Bremsprobe muss her! ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, (12):3, 2020

Pfaff, Raphael, Lars Gidaszewski and Bernd Schmidt: Berücksichtigung von No Fault Found im Diagnose- und Instandhaltungssystem von Schienenfahrzeugen. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, (5):56 – 59, 2020

Wilbring, Daniela, Manfred Enning, Raphael Pfaff and Bernd Schmidt: Neue Perspektiven für die Bahn in der Produktions- und Distributionslogistik durch Prozessautomation. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 69(3):15 – 19, 2020

Pfaff, Raphael and Katharina Babilon: Mit Molly zum Sieg bei der IMechE Railway Challenge. Deine Bahn, 9:56 – 59, 2019

Wingens, Niklas, Jörg May and Raphael Pfaff: Betrieblich-technische Innovationsansätze zur Bremsprobe nach einer Prozessänderung. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 68(5):24 – 28, 2019

Pfaff, Raphael: Railway Challenge 2018-ein Wettbewerb für Parkbahn-Lokomotiven. Deine Bahn, 9:22 – 24, 2018

Pfaff, Raphael, Julian Franzen, Erik Pinders and Manfred Enning: RailCrowds virtual fleets: Make most of your asset data. Deine Bahn, 9:11 – 13, 2018

Babilon, Katharina, Daniela Wilbring, Tim Tappert, Raphael Pfaff and Manfred Enning: Schienenfahrzeugtechnik Hands On – FH Aachen IMechE Railway Challenge. Ingenieurspiegel, (2):20 – 22, 2018

Schmidt, Bernd D., Manfred Enning and Raphael Pfaff: Güterwagen 4.0 - Der Güterwagen für das Internet der Dinge. Teil 3: Einführungsszenarien für aktive, kommunikative Güterwagen. ETR-EisenbahntechnischeRundschau,67(5):60– 64, 2018

Pfaff, Raphael: Apps für den Güterwagen? Wie der Güterwagen 4.0 die effiziente Integration der Güterbahn in ERTMS ermöglicht. Ingenieurspiegel,(2):1–2,2017

Moshiri-Kahak, Amir, Raphael Pfaff, Markus Gäbel and Alexander Reich: Modellierung der Adhäsionsfläche im Rad-Schiene-Kontakt unter Einsatz von reibwert- verbessernden Mitteln. 15. Internationale Schienenfahrzeugtagung Rad Schiene 2017, Dresden, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael: Einsatz von offenen Onlinekursen in der Eisenbahnlehre. Deine Bahn, (1):12 – 16, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael and Manfred Enning: Die nachhaltige Alternative zum autonomen Lastwagen. Deine Bahn, (10):22 – 26, 2017

Enning, Manfred and Raphael Pfaff: Güterwagen4.0-Der Güterwagen für das Internet der Dinge. Teil 1: Gesamtsystembetrachtung und grundlegendes Konzept. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 66(1/2):12 – 16, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael and Manfred Enning: Güterwagen 4.0 - Der Güterwagen für das Internet der Dinge. Teil 2: Ausgewählte technische Aspekte und Prozesse. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 66(5):74 – 77, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael and Bernd Schmidt: Daten in der Cloud - und dann? Deine Bahn, (6):50 – 55, 2016

Pfaff, Raphael: Praxisnahe Ausbildung im Fach Schienenfahrzeugtechnik. Deine Bahn, (8):52 – 55, 2015

Pfaff, Raphael, Bernd Schmidt and Udo Pinders: Energieeffizienz steigern durch Rekuperationseinrichtungen. Deine Bahn, (5):50 – 53, 2015

Pfaff, Raphael and Keith J. Burnham: On abstraction and interpretability: a behavioural perspective. Internation Journal of System Science, Vol. 35(2):19 – 26, 2009, ISSN 0137-1223

Seiler, Friedrich, Alexander Pichler, Raphael Pfaff and Julio Srulijes: Novel processing tools for automated doppler picture velocimetry (DPV) evaluation. Vol. 12(4):323 – 337, 2009, ISSN 1343-8875

Book chapters

Pfaff, Raphael, Bernd D. Schmidt and Manfred Enning: Automation of the Freight Wagon Subsystem. In New Research on Railway Engineering and Transport, InTechOpen, 2023

Conference papers

Pfaff, Raphael and Manfred Enning: On a Risk-based Approach to Automatic Brake Testing in Freight Rail. In: Proceedings Eurobrake 2022, online, 2022

Westfechtel, Simon, Info Elsen, Raphael Pfaff and Marcel Remmy: Simulation of Big Data from Railway Braking. In: Proceedings Eurobrake 2021, online, 2021

Blumenschein, Matthias, Raphael Pfaff and Katharina Babilon: Braking curves in railway shunting and implications for the development of sensor systems for autonomous shunting. In: Proceedings Eurobrake 2021, online, 2021

Blumenschein, Matthias, Raphael Pfaff and Katharina Babilon: Braking curves in railway shunting and implications for the development of sensor systems for autonomous shunting. In: Proceedings Eurobrake 2021, online, 2021

Schmidt, Bernd, Raphael Pfaff, Moritz Kuhlmann, Udo Pinders and Daniela Wilbring: Improved dynamics of vehicle movement in intelligent freight trains. In: Tagungsband 2. International Railway Symposium Aachen, 2019

Pfaff, Raphael, Bernd Schmidt, Daniela Wilbring, Manfred Enning and Julian Franzen: Wagon4.0 – the smart wagon for improved integration into Industry 4.0 plants. In: Proceedings International Heavy Haul STS Conference 2019, Narvik, Norway, 2019

Franzen, Julian, Jannis Stecken, Raphael Pfaff and Bernd Kuhlenkötter: Using the Digital Shadow for a Prescriptive Optimization of Maintenance and Operation : The Locomotive in the Context of the Cyber-Physical System. In: Advances in Production, Logistics and Traffic, 2019

Pfaff, Raphael, Info Elsen and Bernd Schmidt: Analysis of big data streams to obtain braking reliability information for train protection systems. In: Proceedings Eurobrake 2019, Dresden, 2019

Gao, Hao, Katharina Babilon, Raphael Pfaff, Feng Gan and Alexander Reich: Model of Wheel Rail Contact for Sanding and Adhesion Management. In: Proceedings of Contact Mechanics 2018, Delft, Netherlands, 2018

Gao, Hao, Katharina Babilon, Raphael Pfaff and Alexander Reich: Adhesion enhancement mechanisms and effects of sanding in wheel-rail contact. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology 2018, Sitges, Spain, 2018

Bücking, Henrik, Raphael Pfaff and Roger Dirksmeier: Sensor positioning and thermal model for condition monitoring of pressure gas reservoirs in vehicles. In: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2018

Pfaff, Raphael, Karin Melcher and Julian Franzen: Rare Event Simulation to Optimise Maintenance Intervals of Safety Critical Redundant Subsystems. In: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2018

Pfaff, Raphael: Towards the Monorail 4.0: a study of use cases and potential takeovers from the Wagon 4.0. In: Proceedings of the International Monorail Exposition, Berlin, 2018

Pfaff, Raphael: Analysis of Big Data Streams to obtain Braking Reliability Information for Train Protection systems. Asia-Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Jeju, Korea, Seiten 1 – 7, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael, Parham Shahidi and Manfred Enning: Connected freight rail rolling stock: a modular approach integrating sensors, actors and cyber physical systems for operational advantages and condition based maintenance. Asia-Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Jeju, Korea, Seiten 1 – 7, 2017

Shahidi, Parham, Raphael Pfaff and Manfred Enning: The connected wagon - a concept for the integration of vehicle side sensors and actors with cyber physical representation for condition based maintenance. First International Conference on Rail Transportation, Chengdu, China, Seiten 1 – 8, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael, Bernd D. Schmidt and Manfred Enning: Towards inclusion of the freight rail system in the industrial internet of things - Wagon 4.0. Stephenson Conference, London, United Kingdom, Seiten 1 – 10, 2017

Pfaff, Raphael, Tomasz Larkowski and Keith J. Burnham: An application of adaptive control in the behavioural framework. 21st International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng), Las Vegas, Nevada, Seiten 49 – 54. IEEE, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1078-0 ; 978-0-7695-4495-3

Pfaff, Raphael, Tomasz Larkowski and Keith J. Burnham: An approach to adaptive control in the behavioural framework. UKACC International Conference on Control 2010 (CONTROL 2010) : Coventry, United Kingdom, Seiten 833 – 838, 2010, ISBN 978-1-62748-119-9

Seiler, Friedrich, Alexander Pichler, Raphael Pfaff, Alfred George and Julio Srulijes: Improved Doppler picture velocimetry and new automated processing. 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008, Seiten 1 – 12, 2008

Pfaff, Raphael and Keith J. Burnham: On abstraction and interpretability: a behavioural perspective. 19th International Conference on Systems Engineering 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, Seiten 89 – 94. IEEE, 2008

Pfaff, Raphael, Alexander Pichler, Alfred George and Friedrich Seiler: Model based image processing for flow visualisation : 16th International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw, Poland, September 04 - 06, 2007. Proceeding / Sixteenth International Conference on Systems Science, 2007, Wroclaw, Seiten 1 – 10, 2007

Pfaff, Raphael, Benoit Vinsonneau and Keith J. Burnham: Multiple models for non-linear systems. Proceedings / Eighteenth International Conference on Systems Engineering, Coventry, United Kingdom, Seiten 347 – 352, 2006, ISBN 1-84600-013-0

Pfaff, Raphael, Benoit Vinsonneau and Keith J. Burnham: Modelling and identification in the behavioural framework: use of polynomials and splines to approximate time trajectories . Proceedings / Eighteenth International Conference on Systems Engineering, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2006, ISBN 1-84600-013-0

Seiler, Friedrich, Alfred George, Raphael Pfaff and Julio Srulijes: Stand der Entwicklung des ISL Dopplerbildverfahrens. GALA : 13. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 6. - 8. September 2005, Cottbus, Seiten 24–1 – 24–8, Cottbus, 2005. Techn. Univ.